[Source: EU Delegation to ASEAN] In the ASEAN-EU Plan of Action 2018 – 2022, the European Union (EU) committed itself to enhance maritime security cooperation with ASEAN.

In celebration of World Maritime Day on 30 September 2021, the EU Delegation to ASEAN shares the following information about EU actions in maritime security that also involve ASEAN member states:

– a fact sheet Maritime Security for Europe and Asia
– a printed interview with Mr Martin Cauchi-Inglott, Team Leader of the EU-supported project CRItical MAritime Routes Indian Ocean II (CriMaRIO II)
– a podcast EU-Asia security experts tell us why our oceans need protection, featuring:

  • Ms Joanneke Balfoort, Director for Security and Defence Policy in the European External Action Service (EEAS)
  • Ms Marianne Peron-Doise, Strategic Advisor in the project CRIMARIO II, and
  • Mr Mitchito Tsuruoka, Associate Professor at Keio University, Japan.