Indian ocean

Strengthening Maritime Security: Somalia Inaugurates New Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre
On 05 December 2024, the Federal Government of Somalia inaugurated the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) at the Somali Police Force’s Department of Coast Guard headquarters in Mogadishu Port, Somalia. This vital development marks a significant step...
Advancing Maritime Security and Cooperation Across the Indo-Pacific: 2nd IORIS Policy Board and Working Groups Meeting
Colombo, Sri Lanka. The Policy Board and Working Group Meeting of the IORIS platform took place last week in Colombo, marking another critical milestone in the ongoing efforts to enhance maritime security and cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region. Over the course of...
Rapid Response at Sea: How the Philippine Coast Guard Tackled the MT Terra Nova Crisis with the contribution of IORIS
On August 15, the Motor Tanker (MT) Terra Nova capsized amid heavy monsoon rains that lashed large parts of the country. The 65-meter vessel was carrying nearly 1.5 million litres of industrial fuel, according to official reports. The incident occurred 3.6 nautical...
Refresh Training Began in Hargeisa for the Somaliland Coast Guard
Yesterday, the Somaliland Coast Guard in Hargeisa commenced a comprehensive refresh training program aimed at enhancing their maritime security capabilities. Led by CRIMARIO Representative Kenneth Neijnes and Senior Instructor Björn Beirens, the seven-day course will...
Enhancing Maritime Crisis Management: CRIMARIO Partners with Madagascar to Strengthen National Coordination
CRIMARIO, in collaboration with the Maritime Information Fusion Center (MIFC) Madagascar, is organising a Workshop on Maritime Crisis Management (GCM) from May 27 to 31. The workshop aims to enhance the knowledge and skills of the staff responsible for crisis...
Maritime Security: EU to become an observer of the Djibouti Code of Conduct/Jeddah Amendment
The EU will soon become a ‘Friend’ (i.e., observer) of the Djibouti Code of Conduct/Jeddah Amendment, a regional cooperation framework to tackle piracy, armed robbery, human trafficking and other illegal maritime activities in the North-Western Indian Ocean, including...
BALINN24: working together to enhance regional coordination and information sharing for safer and more secure seas
Between the 22 and the 25 of April, 22 agencies from 9 countries (Comoros, Djibouti, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius Mozambique, Reunion, Seychelles, Tanzania), including two Regional Centres (Regional Centres: RCOC Regional Coordination Operation Centre, RMIFC (Regional...
Security and freedom of navigation in the Red Sea: EU Council launches EUNAVFOR ASPIDES
The EU Council launched today EUNAVFOR ASPIDES. The objective of this defensive maritime security operation is to restore and safeguard freedom of navigation in the Red Sea and the Gulf. Operation ASPIDES will ensure an EU naval presence in the area where numerous...
Enhancing connectivity and interoperability around the Horn of Africa through IORIS
Pirate Action Groups (PAG) operating in and around the Horn of Africa and the Somali Basin are once again back in the spotlight following recent incidents such as the hijacking of the MV RUEN, the unlawful boarding of the MV Lila Norfolk, and the confirmed...
Sharing data for the benefit of safe and secure seas: a complex, painful, necessary process?
Discussions on the fringes of the 3rd SHARE.IT Conference on Interoperability held in Bangkok from 20 to 24 November 2024 highlighted the complexity and diversity of participants’ perceptions on the evolution of regional maritime security and threats from the...
Successful IORIS Regional Exercise in the Gulf of Aden/Horn of Africa region
This past week marked an important and necessary moment in enhancing maritime safety and security in the Gulf of Aden/Horn of Africa region as the project conducted a comprehensive regional exercise. Our dedicated participants from the Jordanian Maritime Authority,...
CRIMARIO in Cape Town to participate to the Djibouti Code of Conduct (DCoC) High Level meeting
Between the 24 and the 26 of October, CRIMARIO II participated in the Djibouti Code of Conduct (DCoC) High-Level meeting on the implementation of the Jeddah Amendment to the DCoC, which took place in Cape Town, South Africa. During the meeting, which saw the...
Interconnecting national maritime agencies to strengthen maritime security and safety in the Philippines
On the 20 and 21 March 2023, eleven maritime Philippines agencies met in Manila and agreed to create a National IORIS Governance structure, to best serve the operational interests of the Philippines, IORIS being a neutral and secure information exchange and maritime...