Other maritime news

Philippines: second Subcommittee on Maritime Cooperation with the European Union takes place in Manila
The second Sub-Committee on Maritime Cooperation (SCM) under the European Union – Philippines Partnership and Cooperation Agreement was held in Manila on 29 October. This 2nd maritime dialogue built on the accomplishments of the inaugural SCM held in Brussels in...
Maritime Security: EU to become an observer of the Djibouti Code of Conduct/Jeddah Amendment
The EU will soon become a ‘Friend’ (i.e., observer) of the Djibouti Code of Conduct/Jeddah Amendment, a regional cooperation framework to tackle piracy, armed robbery, human trafficking and other illegal maritime activities in the North-Western Indian Ocean, including...
Security and freedom of navigation in the Red Sea: EU Council launches EUNAVFOR ASPIDES
The EU Council launched today EUNAVFOR ASPIDES. The objective of this defensive maritime security operation is to restore and safeguard freedom of navigation in the Red Sea and the Gulf. Operation ASPIDES will ensure an EU naval presence in the area where numerous...
Maritime Security: EU updates Strategy to safeguard maritime domain against new threats
On the 10th of March, the European Commission and the High Representative adopted a Joint Communication on an enhanced EU Maritime Security Strategy to ensure a peaceful use of the seas and safeguard the maritime domain against new threats. They have also adopted an...
MICA center annual report is out
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Maritime Security: MICA Center Annual Review
[Source: MICA Center] For this new edition, the Maritime Information Cooperation & Awareness Center (MICA Center), in collaboration with its vast network of partners, provides an analysis of the threats affecting maritime security worldwide, documented with...
Questions and answers: a background for the Strategic Compass
[Source: European External Action Service] The European Union and its Member States face multiple threats and challenges that are rapidly evolving and increasing in magnitude and complexity. To tackle them, the EU has strengthened its work in the field of security and...
EU actions in maritime security with ASEAN countries
[Source: EU Delegation to ASEAN] In the ASEAN-EU Plan of Action 2018 – 2022, the European Union (EU) committed itself to enhance maritime security cooperation with ASEAN. In celebration of World Maritime Day on 30 September 2021, the EU Delegation to ASEAN...
Indo-Pacific: Council adopts conclusions on EU strategy for cooperation
[Source: European Council] The Council approved conclusions on an EU strategy for cooperation in the Indo-Pacific, setting out the EU’s intention to reinforce its strategic focus, presence and actions in this region of prime strategic importance for EU interests. The...
‘Document Verification Manual: Vessel Identity’ is published
[Source: Stop Illegal Fishing] Faked, false or forged documents linked to vessel identity are widely used by illegal operators. They are used to hide fishing and operational history and activity, reduce costs, misinform and confuse licensing, flagging and inspection...
Boost for blue economy as President Kenyatta commissions Bandari Maritime Academy
Nairobi, 8 July 2019 – Kenya’s efforts to position the blue economy sector as a key driver of the country’s transformation today received a major boost with the commissioning of the Bandari Maritime Academy in Mombasa County. President Kenyatta led...
Kenya elected to chair Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia
20 June 219- Kenya has been elected the chair of the Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia (CGPCS) for a period of two years beginning January 2020. The chairmanship will afford Kenya the opportunity to coordinate regional and international efforts to deal...
Madagascar will host the 1st forum on maritime security
15 June 2019 – Madagascar will host the first regional forum on maritime security, to which several neighboring countries of the Big Island will participate, among others, Kenya, Mozambique, Mauritius, Comoros, Reunion and Seychelles. At the military award...