The development of the IORIS platform is on schedule for April 2018 after the review made by the CRIMARIO team (David Nattrass and Olivier Bézier) with Polymorph developers on 6th February in UK.

The official launch will be preceded by the first ‘Train the Trainer’ course planned in Seychelles on 16-18 April 2018.

The current coding and developments integrate the recommendations made by the regional countries, especially during the technical clarification meeting held in Seychelles in November 2017 gathering both regional entities (maritime centres – RCOC, RMIFC- and the Anti-Piracy Unit of IOC), and maritime administrations from Kenya (Navy, KMA) and Seychelles (DRDM, Coast Guard, Fishing Authority, Reflecs3).

CRIMARIO will also launch a secure forum in February dedicated specifically for discussing IORIS. This forum will provide a secure area to ask questions, or request additional information/technical details in respect to all areas of IORIS. Accordingly, invitations will be sent to authorised regional representatives and administrations only. Additional requests to participate in this forum discussion can be forwarded to dave.nattrass[at]

Download the IORIS presentation made at MASE focal points meeting on 12 January 2018 in Mauritius.

More on IORIS specifications.