Information Sharing

Development of IORIS platform in progress

Development of IORIS platform in progress

The development of the IORIS platform is on schedule for April 2018 after the review made by the CRIMARIO team (David Nattrass and Olivier Bézier) with Polymorph developers on 6th February in UK. The official launch will be preceded by the first ‘Train the Trainer’...
Kenya specialists trained on PELAGUS software

Kenya specialists trained on PELAGUS software

From 13 to 17 November 2017, ten operational specialists of Kenya were trained on PELAGUS software, aimed at managing a National AIS network. This capacity building exercise is part of the CRIMARIO technical assistance provided for Kenya in order to implement their...
OBP report 2016

OBP report 2016

Marianne Peron-Doise was invited to the presentation of OBP report 2016 on the state of maritime piracy, which stress out resurgence of piracy in the Indian Ocean. It was admitted that the fact that piracy and criminal networks were still alive in the area was not new...